One-of-a-kind amplifiers and custom builds for private collection
Analog Ethos Select Series
They're not for everyone

This page represents something central to who I am and what I do--making the absolute best, unique and amazing amplifiers, inspired and crafted individually. You can see on other pages of this site that I offer several outstanding amplifiers and DIY kits. My amplifiers are designed to look beautiful and sound incredible, at prices that are accessible to many. I love being creative and I also sometimes find relatively rare or special components and I occasionally make one-of-a-kind amplifiers that lets me fly my freak flag high and make something not found anywhere. This is what I'm now calling my Select Series. I also do custom builds for the right customers, and I'll have more information about this in the future.
I will post here occasionally with new amplifiers I have made--sometimes it might be a variation of one of my existing amps, or sometimes something completely unique. Maybe for sale, or maybe just for inspiration. You may at times look at some of these and say, Perry is crazy, what is he doing? That's cool. They are not for everyone. But if you want an amplifier unlike any other, a piece of art and culture meticulously conceived and crafted by hand, then you could consider one of these pieces. And if what you see inspires you toward a custom amplifier, I will also consult on what might be most meaningful and personalized just for you.
This is me, being my most authentic self, and trying to share it with others!
More coming soon.